Fear not, for I am with thee. Isaiah 43:5
This Alzheimer and Dementia helpline phone number is available 24/7 and 365 days a year. The free service from specialists and master’s-level clinicians will offer confidential support and other information to those living with dementia, their caregivers and families, as well as, the public. Visit their main website for detailed information. It's a great free resource.
What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee. Psalm 56:3
The world is so full of the various illnesses these days. You may be healthy one day and then slowly your memory starts to fail. Most people will have memory loss as they get into their later years, but now dementia and alzheimers seems to be more prevalent. What changed? Is it because the population has increased or is it pesticides used on our food? Whatever it is, only God can really walk with us through each day. Whatever happens put your hope in a Father who loves you.
The dementia poem was written to offer hope. Keep looking up and know God sees what is going on and will carry you the times it is too hard to walk on your own. One day all believers in Jesus will be healed and all pain will cease. Always remember that God loves you and you are never alone when you know Jesus.
If you are dealing with fear, read... Psalm 3: 47
At some point a loved one with Dementia or Alzheimers may be hospitalized. There you will come across many caring and loving doctors, nurses and staff. You may not have the words to tell each of them how much they helped you through this hard time in your life so I hope the inspirational poem called, Thank You, will help say what's in your heart. If you use your cursor you can click on the inspirational poem so it will enlarge for you to print. I give you permission to print the poem for personal use and give with to anyone you care to thank. I know it will mean a lot to those who deal with these illnesses every day. You may also use on your media sites to thank many people at one time as long as my copyright info is left on the poem. God bless you. Please let me know if you have a prayer request.
Your Memory (Dementia/Alzheimer)
Thank You (Dementia/Alzheimer Caregiver)
You are praying for yourself, read... Psalm 87