I'm here if you are hurting and would like to communicate by email. No matter if it takes months or years, I'd like to help you through your heartache. I promise anything you share will be between God, you and me only. I want nothing in return except to share God's love with you and remind you that he is with you always.
I will usually answer every legitimate email within 24-48 hours. If for some reason you don't recieve a return email from me, then understand that I didn't receive your email or I tried to answer but I was blocked by your security software. Please add my email to your safe list and then try again.
Are you hurting and going through trials? If you have a prayer request, fill in the form and you will be added to the prayer list.
Would you like an inspirational for poem free each month? Register here and leave any comments. Poems may be personalized by request.
When the night is bright with the moon and then out of no where a star zips across the sky... why? Are you having your own moments with God?
When was the last time you wrote God a love letter telling him thank you for your life? Try it and see how easy the words flow.
This page is in memory of my family who are with Jesus in Heaven. One day I hope to meet you and will introduse you to my precious family.
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