Your mom or dad has just died and there is a void inside. It hurts so much after the death of a parent that you may feel alone and even scared of the days ahead. A part of you may feel angry that God took them home to heaven and let you with only sorrow. You know they will be free from pain and sorrow, but yet it's hard knowing that they won't see you or your children grow up or be around for any special holidays. There will be times you will grab your phone to share some news and then remember that they are in heaven with Jesus
I am so sorry for the pain you are feeling right now. These inspirational sympathy poems on the Heaven's Roll Call ministry website were written after the death of my own parents. My prayer is the God-inspired poetry will offer you comfort and give you hope. When a father or mother dies their bodies are gone, but God left their memory to help you the times you're sad. You can pull one out and relive a special time you shared, It's almost like they are in another room. When your heart is breaking, ask Jesus to tell your loving parents something you want to share.
I don't know what heaven is like, but I know Jesus loves each one of us and wants to help us through the pain of death of our loved ones. Ask Jesus to give you the strength to go on. I still will talk to my mom and dad when I see something I know they would like. Hold on to the memories God let you share. Your parents are safe with Jesus. They will never suffer any pain or be sick.They will no longer feel sadness and will see their own family in heaven. If you can, picture them happy and smiling while talking with Jesus. God will walk with you through the pain you feel now. Just as he loves you, he loves your parents, too. Death is a reward for the believer and not a punishment.
I know I can't do anything to take away your pain, but I pray these beautiful poems about death on the Heaven's Roll Call website will help comfort you. If you need prayer, please fill in the prayer request form. Run to Jesus and let him hold you through yur heartache. Keep looking up. You may also sign up for a free monthly poem.
I know I can't do anything to take away your pain, but I pray these beautiful poems about death on the Heaven's Roll Call website will help comfort you. If you need prayer, please fill in the prayer request form. Run to Jesus and let him hold you through yur heartache. Keep looking up. You may also sign up for a free monthly poem.
Daddy Didn't Say Goodbye
Going Home
I Love You, Daddy
I Miss You, Daddy
Weeping may endure for the night, but joy cometh in the morning.
Psalm 30:5
My Hero
Rise and Shine
Goodbye, Mom
Thanks for Being You
The Emptiness
The Party Had Begun
The Sun Will Shine
You Gave Me
My Dad
When you are alone and scared, read... Psalm 23
When seeking peace, read... 11:25-30
When you bear a grudge, read... Ephesians 4
Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 6:4 Make your own memories so you can share them when you are with your parents again.
Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 6:4 Make your own memories so you can share them when you are with your parents again.
For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1
Your Mom Is Okay
When you are praying for yourself, read... Psalm 87
When you are losing hope, read...
Psalm 126
When My sheep hear my voice and I know them; and they follow me, I give them eternal life, and they will never perish and no one will snatch tem out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of the Fathers hand. The Father and I are one. John 10:2