I am God's coworker. 2 Corinthians 6:1
Are you having a hard time at work? We all have our horror stories to tell about working, but when it comes down to it we all work for the same Boss - God. Honor him by giving your job the best of you and going the extra mile. These uplifting work poems were written to offer you encouragement throughout your day. Remember - God is your real Boss.
This Is Your Special Day
If you are unhappy at work, why not pray and ask God to help you. God may need you there to show someone kindness. We don't knows what others are going through. Someone might be contemplating suicide or maybe just found out they are dying of cancer. It could even be that someone is being abused by their loved one or may be dying of cancer. No one knows why things happen, but God does. He may need you to be his hands and feet at your job or wants to use your heart to show compassion to someone who has none.
Troubles of the Day
And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. Colossians 3:23
Enjoy the Little Things
Do your work the best you can and show compassion to co-workers or anyone who may cross your path. Sometimes it may be hard to do, but God always has your back if you are a believer. Let His Light shine through you. Then sit back and watch God at work. He loves you, but also loves your boss and co-workers. Sorry to say, but they may have the same feelings about you so don't judge too quickly. God may be working on the both of you.
A Very Special Man
Think of those who aren't as lucky as you. They may come to a job they hate and then they need to go home to a hell on earth. Will you let God use you to shine his Light on someone who needs it? What's to say it isn't the boss who makes your life miserable and is need of understanding because of his own hell he endures. Maybe you can share an uplifting inspirational poem with someone at work. Then tell them about the free poems on the Heaven's Roll Call website. It's also available 24/7.
Enjoy The Little Things
And also that every man shall eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labor, it is the gift of God. Ecclesiastes 3:13
I Finally See
No matter what causes you to dread going to work, try to remember that you work for your real Boss, God! He's aware of what is going on and will work it out for your good if you believe in him. It may help you to know that if you are a believer in Christ that no one gets away with hurting or mistreating one of His children! Keep the faith and keep looking up. God loves you and always wins his battles.
Good Things Lie Ahead
Your job is where you go to earn money so you can pay your bills and, if lucky enough, save for yours or your kids future. That's where your job ends and your life as a follower of Christ takes over. We were placed on this earth to love one another. We all need encouragement and a feeling of self-worth. What better place to give that to someone else than a place of work? If you are unhappy there most likely others are, too. Why not be the light in their life?Share a poem from this website and your beautiful smile to say, "Good Morning!" It can't hurt, but you may make someone's day and make you feel better.
You Have a Choice
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going. Ecclesiastes 9:10
Work can be so challenging at times. Some days it is unfair and downright wrong when you're mistreated for something you didn't do. The issue can be beyond your control so what can you do? The only thing worth doing is to keep your mouth shut and let God handle it. He can change things in a heartbeat. Maybe one of the God-inspired poems will help, too.
What's Truly Important
For thou shalt eat the labor of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.
Psalm 128:2
Of Big and Small
So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my Helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?" Hebrews 13:6